Your credit card can be a helpful tool if you use it correctly and responsibly. Unfortunately, it is easy to rack up credit card debt. The causes of credit card debt vary widely and are often unique to each person. However, there are some noteworthy trends. Here are...
Photo of Andrew James Zeigler and John F. Kennel
Month: July 2018
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Bankruptcy: Filing for Chapter 13
Bankruptcy - the word all by itself sounds intimidating. Most folks who find themselves in a place of bankruptcy did not have that laid out in their life's blueprint. But, it happens. It happens for Ohio residents who have always paid their bills and suddenly get...
What you need to know about discharging recent credit card debt
At , LLC, in Ohio, we understand that overwhelming credit card debt can get you in a lot of trouble. The card balances increase faster than you can pay them down, and the monthly interest charges eat you alive. You may have heard that you...