Probate And Estate Administration Guidance
You worked throughout your life developing positive relationships with your family and friends. They know you can be trusted, even after their death.
They named you the executor of their estate. It is an honor, but that could bring more stress, especially after someone you care about dies. The qualified estate administration and probate attorneys at Kennel Zeigler LLC can be trusted allies.
The Duties Of An Executor
Estate planning and administration can be complicated. If you are not familiar with the legal obligations of an executor or if there are family disputes, there could be issues. Our experienced legal team can help you avoid complications.
Executors are required to:
- File the will in probate court
- File court and tax documents
- Protect assets
- Distribute assets
- Maintain property
- Sell property to pay estate taxes or expenses
- Pay debts and taxes
- Represent the estate in court
- Decide if probate is needed
Probate Laws Affect Asset Distribution After Death
Probate is the legal process that makes sure all legal and financial matters are managed after someone dies. A will is the easiest way to make sure your assets go to the people you want. However, not everyone who dies has a will and that requires probate.
Probate is not required if all the deceased’s assets were owned with someone else; held in a trust; worth less than $5,000; or worth less than the cost of the funeral. There are other assets that are not required to go through probate, including retirement accounts.
Skilled Estate Lawyer Guiding You
The could include:
- Businesses. You own one or more business that must be distributed.
- Children. You do not have children; you have problem children; or your children are not of legal age.
- Family issues. You recently divorce; or your spouse recently died.
- Guardianship. You have a disabled family member who needs care.
- Marriage. You are in your second marriage.
- Parents. You live out of state, but must come back to deal with your parent’s estate
- Substantial assets. You have a large amount of money in retirement accounts.
Probate And Estate Administration Help
If you face estate or probate issues in Ohio, we can help. We offer free initial consultations in our convenient Dayton offices. Call 937-576-9991 or email us.